Blog and Recipes
From a young age, I realised that food was the most interesting subject in the world. Now, I’m lucky enough to write about it. My cookbook is THE SECRET OF COOKING. It was published in the Autumn/Fall of 2023. Thank you so much to everyone who has cooked from it so far.

The Death of the Kitchen Timer
Are Timers on the Way Out? And the sadness of losing beloved kitchen tools...

Orphan Recipes
Finding a home for all the unphotographed recipes of the world.

Grated tomato and butter pasta sauce
This is a recipe so simple and so quick but also so delicious that when I make it for people, they find it hard to believe. I see it as one of the key arguments in favour of the box grater as one of the all-time great kitchen utensils.

What is the secret of cooking?
Writing a cookbook has been a dream of mine for a long time: for much, much longer than I have actually been a food writer (which in itself is more than twenty years).